How to get the most out of skin consultations
Why are skin consultations so important?
Skin consultations are the best way to kickstart your skincare journey.
Instead of opting for highstreet skincare brands, it’s worth taking the time to sit down with a skin specialist to find out what products will help to improve your skin.
Our skin specialist Nurse Lucy always tailors her advice to each client and recommends products and treatments based on your skin’s individual needs and skin type.
Whether you have a particular skin concern, or simply want to achieve healthy-looking, glowing skin, skin consultations will help you to discover which products are right for your skin type.
What can I do to get the most out of my skin consultation?
To get the most out of your skin consultation, ensure that you thoroughly explain all of your skin concerns to your skin specialist. This way, your specialist can ensure that your bespoke treatment plan targets all of your concerns.
If you have a particular skin concern, it can be useful to ask about the science behind the condition to have a better understanding of your skin’s appearance.
Before attending your appointment, try thinking about what your skin goals might be. This will help you describe what you want to get out of your skincare journey to your skin specialist.
However, it’s important to prepare yourself that there is no ‘quick fix’ to achieving your skincare goals and that it often includes a skincare journey.
It’s worth asking for your treatment plan to be emailed to you, so that you can easily refer to it whenever you need to.
What should I bring along to my appointment?
It is a good idea to bring along a pen and paper and your diary, so that you can make notes and book in treatments during your initial consultation.
It’s also helpful for your skincare specialist if you bring along your current skincare routine, including any supplements.
Try to come make up free where possible and don’t forget to ask lots of questions and enquire about all our treatments!
Secret RF treatment: Everything you need to know
Secret RF by Cutera was first launched in lockdown and has quickly become the latest, must-have treatment for people with a variety of skin concerns, from saggy skin to ageing. The treatment is ideal for those looking to minimise the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles, acne scars, scars, pigmentation and large pores.
What is Secret RF?
Secret RF is an award-winning microneedling treatment that uses radiofrequency to stimulate collagen which in turn lifts, tightens and rejuvenates the skin. The treatment is suitable for all skin types.
How does Secret RF work?
Once the micro-needles penetrate the skin, RF energy denatures the tissue surrounding the micro-needles. Following this process, the collagen remodelling and new elastin production process takes place. This helps to rejuvenate the skin and improve a range of skin concerns.
How many treatments do I need?
While improvements can be seen after just one session, three treatments are recommended to achieve the best results. Each treatment should be carried out approximately one month apart for optimal results.
Is the treatment painful?
At the Skyn Gym and Cosmetic Skin Care, we use numbing cream to help minimise feelings of pain or discomfort. Pain levels vary from patient to patient, and additional numbing cream can be added for patients who find the treatment uncomfortable.
What will my skin look like straight after treatment?
The skin is usually red for a few hours post-treatment but redness can last for 24-48 hours. Redness can be covered up with make up, however you should wait at least four hours before applying make up or washing the face. Redness on the body often lasts a lot longer and can last weeks.
Whether you’re concerned about stretch marks or fine lines and wrinkles, Secret RF treatment by Cutera completely transforms the skin and targets a range of skin concerns. At the Skyn Gym, we guide you through the whole treatment process and offer aftercare advice and products to help you maintain fantastic results.
Chemical peels: The facial treatment and benefits explained
At the Skyn Gym, we offer a range of chemical peels from trusted skincare brands, including the likes of Obagi Medical. You may have heard of the term ‘chemical peel’ without actually realising what the treatment entails.
So, what is a chemical peel?
A chemical peel is a popular facial treatment that improves skin texture, minimises the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles and lightens and brightens the skin. This treatment also helps to improve the appearance of blemishes and mild to moderate photoaging. A peel exfoliates the uppermost layers of the skin, which leaves your skin looking fresh and radiant.
Should I be nervous about having a chemical peel?
People often get scared by the term ‘chemical peel’, but there is no need to shy away from this treatment. I sat down with Nurse Lucy to find out why.
Nurse Lucy from the Skyn Gym said: “Our skin is an acidic organ and that’s why our protective skin barrier is called the ‘acid mantle.’ By using light acids, we can gift the skin with MORE acidity, which it loves, and the skin starts to work in a fast forward motion, bio-chemically detaching dead skin cells at triple the speed than it normally would. In short, chemical peels are a natural and safe way of exfoliating the skin.”
Where can I have a chemical peel?
Our skin specialist Nurse Lucy offers a wide range of facials and peels at our Skyn Gym branches located in Windsor, London and Old Amersham. During your initial appointment, Nurse Lucy will assess your skin and bespoke the treatment to your skin type and need. Usually, we recommend a course of 6 chemical peels (2-4 weeks apart) and 3-4 peels per year thereafter to maintain your fantastic results.
Everything you need to know about microneedling with the SkinPen
Microneedling has become increasingly popular at the Skyn Gym over the past year and clients have been delighted with the results. You may have seen ‘microneedling’ advertised in the media without really knowing what it does.
So, what is microneedling?
Microneedling is the use of very small needles to repeatedly penetrate the layers of the skin in order to induce wound healing. At the Skyn Gym, Nurse Lucy uses the SkinPen to carry out this treatment. This specialist device is used to improve the following: deep lines, wrinkles, skin texture, acne scarring, pigmentation, the appearance of scars, stretch marks, burns, vitiligo, baldness and alopecia. The SkinPen operates at 7,000 rpm delivering 98,000 channels per minute and is the only FDA approved device on the market! The SkinPen can be used on both the face and body.
What can I expect during and after treatment?
The entire treatment takes approximately one hour, which includes the application of numbing cream. At our clinic, we usually recommend a course of 4-6 treatments which are carried out 2-6 weeks apart, depending on which area is being treated. The majority of clients report feeling a slight vibration of the SkinPen during the treatment. Your skin may appear red after treatment but this is perfectly normal. Nurse Lucy will provide you with an aftercare kit to ease any tightness you may be experiencing post-treatment. Overall, the downtime for the Skin Pen is minimal.
If you have any further questions about microneedling at the Skyn Gym, please don’t hesitate to get in touch! Our skin specialists are on hand to answer any questions you may have.
Revealed: Why wearing sunscreen is so important to prevent signs of ageing
Regardless of whether it is sunny or cloudy, you should always apply your SPF in the morning. Applying your sunscreen is the most important step of any skincare routine as it is the hero ingredient that prevents signs of visible ageing, such as pigmentation and sun spots.
Skin specialists always say that you should wear sunscreen even if you are inside. However, it is often easy to dismiss this skincare advice if you are busy working from home, for example. So, I sat down with Nurse Lucy to find out why it is so important to wear sunscreen daily, even if you do not leave your home.
Nurse Lucy said: “All light including infra-red and blue light from our computer screens and phone screens causes photo damage. 80% of photo damage is done by the time you are 18 and signs of ageing start at 25 years old.”
“Signs of photo-ageing when SPF (sun protection factor) is not used daily include: lines and wrinkles, irregular pigmentation, shallow skin, loss of laxity and elasticity of the skin, sun spots and solar comedones.”
Sunbeds also emit UVA rays which damage the skin, as well as increasing the chances of photo damage and skin cancer.
So, what are UVA rays?
UVA rays have a slow effect on the skin. When you are exposed to UVA rays, you will have increased pigmentation over time, often referred to as ‘a tan’. UVA rays have a longer wavelength and are not absorbed by the ozone layer. People are exposed to UVA rays in both the winter and summer months. The rays penetrate to the lower dermis layer of the skin and destroy cells which are essential for healthy skin. This is done by causing free radical damage. While you cannot see the effect of UVA damage straight away, it will show up as we age through fine lines, wrinkles and pigmentation.
What are UVB rays?
UVB rays are shorter in wavelength and therefore only penetrate to the upper epidermis layer of the skin. UVB damage shows up instantly as your skin becomes sunburnt.
What are UVC rays?
UVC rays are the shortest in wavelength, however they are the most powerful. UVC rays get absorbed by the ozone layer and therefore do not currently enter our atmosphere.
Ideally, you should opt for a broad-spectrum physical sunscreen with UVA and UVB protection. Products containing SPF, such as moisturisers and foundation, do not provide adequate protection from harmful UVA and UVB rays. The Skyn Gym stocks a wide variety of sunscreens that prevent signs of ageing. Nurse Lucy believes that sunscreen is the most important product in your skincare routine.
Nurse Lucy said: “SPF stands for sun protection factor. This is determined by the time it takes for your skin to become pink (erythema) whilst wearing the sunscreen compared to not wearing the sunscreen. Factor 2 gives you 50% of UVB rays absorbed, factor 20 gives you 93.3%, factor 30 gives you 96.7% and factor 50 gives you 98%. You often find that, the higher the factor, the more chemicals there are in the sunscreen, so it is much more important to look at the ingredients in your sunscreen rather than the factor.”
Chemical ingredients to avoid in your sunscreen include: oxybenzone, homosalate, octinoxate and nanoparticles.
Five top tips for cleansing your skin
Many of us roll out of bed, jump in the shower and head off to work before giving our morning skincare routine a second thought. However, cleansing your skin correctly can help you achieve healthier, clearer and brighter-looking skin. We have put together a simple guide for you to follow when cleansing your skin.
1. Make sure you that are using the correct cleanser for your skin type
Don’t be tempted to simply grab the nearest body wash in the shower to cleanse your face. Shower gel and hand soaps contain too many detergents and fragrances that are not meant for your face and can strip the skin its natural oils. This may lead your skin to become sensitised. Gentle cream cleansers are most suitable for dry and sensitive skin types, as acid and gel-based cleansers can often be too harsh for your skin type. If you have oily skin, gel cleansers are best suited to your skin type as they help to prevent the overproduction of sebum. Salicylic acid-based cleansers are recommended for oily acne skin types as this acid can clear out clogged pores.
2. Don’t scrub
Using physical exfoliants or scrubs can often be too harsh for the skin. Over-exfoliating can cause redness and inflammation, which in turn can cause more breakouts. You should aim to exfoliate once or twice a week, however this varies from person to person. When you cleanse your skin, it is important to ensure that you massage your cleanser gently into your skin, focusing particularly on areas of concern. Avoid massaging your skin too ferociously as this may cause irritation.
3. Use lukewarm water
People often opt for very hot or very cold water when cleansing their skin. However, it is optimal to use lukewarm water when washing your face, even in the shower. Cold water is not ideal to use when cleansing as it does not effectively remove the skin’s impurities. Hot water, on the other hand, can be extremely drying and can strip your skin of its natural oils, leaving it red and sensitized. Opt for lukewarm water to achieve the best results when cleansing your skin.
4. Remove all your makeup
If you fail to remove your make up properly, your pores may become clogged which can lead to breakouts. This is the reason why we recommend ‘double cleansing’ at night, especially if you have been wearing makeup during the day. The first cleanse removes makeup, whilst the second cleanse removes impurities and dirt from the day. Avoid using makeup wipes to remove your makeup as they contain parabens and chemicals which can make your skin dry.
5. Don’t cleanse too frequently
Having given these recommendations on how to cleanse your skin properly, it is important not to over-cleanse. Washing your face too frequently can strip the skin of its natural oils and impair the acid mantle layer. You should aim to cleanse your skin twice daily; once in the morning and once in the evening (double cleanse if wearing makeup). You can of course cleanse your skin after vigorous exercise to remove excess sweat and dirt. Otherwise, cleansing your skin twice a day is enough.
Revealed: Nurse Lucy’s Daily Skincare Routine
When Nurse Lucy started working at The Skyn Gym in Windsor, she suffered from acne and combination skin. Two years on and Lucy no longer suffers from acne and has a normal skin type. She learnt a lot about medical skincare throughout her training and started to embark on her own tailor-made skincare journey.
Nurse Lucy’s skincare routine has changed drastically in two years; from not wearing serums, to religiously applying her SPF in the morning, Lucy has carved out her own bespoke skincare routine.
Lucy uses Environ’s Hydra-Intense Cleansing Lotion to kick off her morning skincare routine. She likes the luxurious texture of this cleanser in the morning as it hydrates her skin for the day.
Next, Lucy uses Environ’s Botanical Infused Moisturising Toner, a glycolic acid based product, which is a fantastic ingredient to prepare your skin for the day!
Lucy then applies Alumier’s everactive C&E serum. As a personal preference, Lucy favours this product over Obagi profesional C serum (15%) as she is prone to spots and Alumier’s Vitamin C serum is better for acne prone skin.
After this, Lucy applies two small pumps of Alumier’s Ultimate Boost Serum to her skin. This product contains hyaluronic acid which helps to increase hydration levels in the skin as well as fixing the hydra-lipid barrier.
Next up is the AluminEye Brightening Eye Cream! Lucy uses this eye cream to hydrate her eye area. The peptides in this product encourage collagen production which has an anti-aging effect on the skin.
Before leaving the house, Lucy always applies Alumier’s Clear Shield Suncreen. She uses this sunscreen daily as it is non-comedogenic. Lucy occasionally wears Alumier’s Sheer Hydration Versatile Tint Sunscreen in the summer months as a substitute for makeup.
After a long day, Lucy gets rid of any impurities on her face with Alumier’s Purifying Gel Cleanser. She enjoys using this cleanser at night as it fully removes her make up. Lucy always double cleanses in the evening.
Lucy applies Alumier’s AHA serum two to three times a week as her exfoliant.
Next, she uses Obagi Retinol 1%. Lucy had to slowly introduce retinol into her skincare routine and has gradually increased her retinol strength throughout the last two years. She initially started on Environ’s AVST 1 as well as using Alumier’s Retinol Resurfacing Serum 0.5%, before increasing to Obagi Retinol 1%.
She then applies Alumier’s Retinol Eye Gel & AluminEye to her eye area.
Lastly, Lucy uses two small pumps of Alumier’s Ultimate Boost Serum to finish prepping her skin for the night.
Lucy applies Environ’s Hydrating Oil Drops once a week in order to give her skin an extra hydration boost!
5 ways to reduce maskne
With the need to wear masks in evermore confined public spaces, many clients are suffering from ‘maskne’, namely acne caused by the continuous wearing of face coverings. While there is no way we can avoid wearing masks daily, we can follow some simple tips on how to reduce the effects of maskne.
1. Adopt a good skincare routine:
- It is so important to use the correct skincare products which will help to reduce acne and keep your pores clear.
- Benzoyl peroxide, salicylic acid and Vitamin A are great ingredients for clearing out pores and decreasing p-acne bacteria in the skin. Many of our AlumierMD products in stock at The Skyn Gym contain these ingredients.
- Cleanse your face morning and evening as usual. Wherever possible, you should cleanse your face before and after wearing your mask.
- Always use products that are non-comedogenic in order to prevent your pores from becoming clogged.
- Keep your skin hydrated to maintain a strong skin barrier by using products that contain hyaluronic acid to fix the acid mantle. A strong skin barrier will ensure that your skin prevents infection getting in and hydration getting out!
2. Wear SPF daily
- You should wear SPF sunscreen daily to protect and soothe the skin. This is a very important step in your skincare routine to prevent acne.
- Always use a chemical-free, non-comedogenic, broad spectrum sunscreen that will prevent your skin from further inflammation.
3. Wear a mask with breathable fabric
- You should ideally purchase an organic, breathable mask that fits comfortably. It is important that your mask is not too tight as it can cause friction to the skin which will break down your acid mantle layer. Your mask should be washed daily with a washing detergent that does not irritate your skin. If possible, buy a mask that is 100% cotton as this will prevent your skin from further irritation.
4. Take a break
- It is crucial to give your skin a break from your mask and let yourself breath in the fresh air. When wearing a mask, you will be breathing in a much higher carbon dioxide level and lower oxygen levels.
5. Make small changes to your diet:
- Reduce the amount of dairy you consume
- Reduce your sugar intake
- Reduce the amount of alcohol you consume
- Increase your Omega-3 intake
The top 5 components of a good skincare routine
With busy lives, it is often hard to find time for self-care. At The Skyn Gym, we believe that the secret to having healthy, glowy skin is maintaining a good skincare routine. We assess our clients’ skin type and tailor a bespoke skincare routine to address their skin concerns and match their expectations. Everyone’s skin is unique and your skincare routine should reflect that.
There are five key components that should be included in your skincare routine to reduce the signs of ageing and achieve radiant, healthy-looking skin.
1. SPF – Sunscreen is the most important skincare product to incorporate into your skincare routine. SPF products should be worn daily, regardless of whether you are sat behind your laptop screen or enjoying the sun outside. Sunscreens protect your skin from UV rays and environmental stressors. Wearing SPF lotion ensures that your acid mantle layer – the outermost layer of skin – does not get compromised. If your skin is left unprotected, the UV rays will cause free radical damage which will age the skin by depleting collagen and elastin, causing pigmentation. So, don’t forget to make sunscreen lotion a key part of your morning skincare routine!
2. Retinol – Retinol is a hero ingredient. Not only does it reduce the signs of ageing, but it also creates healthy-looking skin. Retinol acts like an ‘upside down’ exfoliator by supporting the production of new skin underneath, helping to remove dead skin cells from the surface and increasing you skin cell turnover. This ingredient also encourages the production of collagen and hyaluronic acid, which plumps the skin and reduces the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles. Retinol also balances sebum production and is a crucial element for blemish-prone skin. Retinol should be introduced into your skincare routine gradually so that your skin can acclimatise to the active product. We advise you to book a consultation with our skincare specialist, Nurse Lucy, before including retinol in your skincare routine.
3. Vitamin C – Vitamin C is an evermore popular ingredient in the world of skincare. But, what does it do? Vitamin C is an antioxidant that neutralises free radicals on the surface of the skin, preventing them from reaching the lower layers and causing damage to the skin. Vitamin C lightens and brightens your skin, making it appear more radiant. The antioxidant also has a potent anti-inflammatory action which contributes to the immune defence by supporting various cellular functions. It is a great for reducing redness and preventing pigmentation. Vitamin C products are a must-have in your make-up bag!
4. Exfoliation – Exfoliation is a key step to include in your skincare routine. Exfoliating the skin gets rid of dead skin cells on the skin’s surface which will increase skin cell turnover and reduce the signs of ageing. It also prevents your complexion from appearing dull. There are lots of different way to exfoliate: you can use enzymes to exfoliate dry skin, salicylic acid to clear out pores and lactic acid to increase cell turnover. Our skin specialist at The Skyn Gym will advise you on the best exfoliator for your skin type.
5. Peptides – Peptides are important to include in your skincare routine. They increase collagen production which, over time, reduces the visible signs of ageing and helps to reduce signs of scarring. Collagen also makes your skin appear tighter and firmer. What’s not to like?
Sunscreens never go out of fashion
Sunscreen may seem like nothing more than a holiday essential; however, studies have shown that you should wear sunscreen all year round. Even if you are stuck behind a computer screen from 9 till 5, or staying at home during lockdown, it is essential to incorporate sunscreen into your skincare routine.
At the Skyn Gym, we stock a wide range of moisturising SPF creams, both tinted and non-tinted, that protect your skin from UVA and UVB rays.
How do you know which sunscreen best suits your skin type?
Alumier Sheer Hydration
If you are looking for a light, silky and protective sunscreen, Alumier Sheer Hydration may be the perfect sunscreen for you. This SPF 40 sunscreen provides powerful broad spectrum protection against harmful UVA and UVB rays. It is packed with free-radical-quenching antioxidants, including a stable vitamin C, resveratrol, grape seed extract and glutathione. This sunscreen also contains vitamin E, which helps to keep the skin moisturised. Alumier Sheer Hydration also offers tinted sunscreen, which is perfect for the summer months.
Alumier Moisture Matte
We also stock Alumier Moisture Matte Broad Spectrum SPF 40. This sunscreen is perfect for oily skin types as it absorbs excess oil to create a matte finish. It is often used as a substitute to foundation, due to its medium coverage. It is the perfect product for someone who wants to speed up their morning skincare routine!
Environ’s RAD
Another very popular product is Environ’s SPF 15 RAD cream. This hydrating sunscreen contains sun filters and reflectors to provide medium SPF protection, along with antioxidants, titanium dioxide, beta-carotene and vitamins C and E, which help to fight free radicals. RAD is suitable for all skin types and, despite only being SPF 15, provides excellent skin protection. It is suitable to wear under make-up, but can also be worn alone as a moisturiser.
Obagi’s Suncare
Obagi’s Professional-C Suncare Broad Spectrum SPF 30 is a luxurious, lightweight sunscreen that protects the skin from harmful UVB and UVA rays. This non-comedogenic sunscreen also helps to improve the appearance of the signs of ageing with 10% L-absorbic acid (vitamin C). We also stock a tinted range of Obagi sunscreen, which can be a useful substitute for tinted moisturiser.
If you are still unsure about which sunscreen is most suitable for your skin type, please get in touch and Nurse Lucy will be happy to assist you.
Tips on how to keep your skin hydrated this winter
As the winter months continue to roll in, you may be noticing that your skin is looking and feeling drier than usual. This is often due to a fall in temperatures and humidity levels at this time of year.
So… what can be done to combat dry skin?
There are several ways to keep your skin hydrated with the help of The Skyn Gym:
1. Omega Plus Supplements – These supplements work by locking in moisture, giving your skin a smooth and plump complexion. Each capsule is made with premium, highly purified omega 3 fish oil with Epax, which helps to hydrate your skin.
2. Skin Moisture Lock – This anti-ageing supplement uses a combination of hyaluronic acid and ceramides to give your skin a youthful complexion.
When combined, these two supplements create the best results as the Omega Plus works from within the cell membrane, whilst the Skin Moisture Lock works between cells.
3. Environ Hydrating Oil Capsules – Each capsule delivers a concentrated burst of vitamin enriched hydration. Your skin is left looking radiant and refreshed.
If you simply fancy adding some hydrating skincare to your morning routine, these products are highly recommended:
4. Alumier Ultimate Boost Serum – This lightweight serum boosts hydration, whilst also enhancing the skin’s natural hydrolipid barrier with sodium hyaluronate and niacinamide.
5. Obagi Hydrate Moisturiser – Often a favourite Obagi product, this luxurious moisturiser provides long-lasting hydration due to the hydramoil ingredient. Within a few applications, your skin will appear smoother and more hydrated.
6. Hydraclarite and Hydracalm Alumier moisturisers – These moisturisers hydrate the skin by restoring the skin’s natural barrier by regulating the body’s own production of ceramides and hydration.
If you have any other skin concerns, whether it be acne or pigmentation, Nurse Lucy would be happy to assist you with a skincare routine that is perfect for your skin type.
A snapshot of the last year at The Skyn Gym
It has been nearly a year since The Skyn Gym opened its doors for the first time in February 2019. It has been a busy year and we have built up a wide variety of male and female clients, ranging from 14 year olds to 75 year olds.
We like to do things a little differently at our skin clinic…
There is no ‘one size fits all’ when it comes to skin care. During your initial skin consultation, Nurse Lucy will suggest a skin care routine that is entirely tailored to your skin type and the amount of time you have to look after your skin on a daily basis. We use medical skin care brands such as Alumier MD, Obagi and Environ, with active ingredients which work to improve the skin. We work closely with these brands and attend regular training days and skin care conferences to stay up-to-date and branch out into new treatments.
When asked how her skin was looking after seeing Lucy for treatment, one client said:
“My skin is healing great, my mum and I have both noticed a difference in my scars already. I actually managed to go out for a walk the other day without any make up on which I haven’t felt confident enough to do before.”
The Skyn Gym treats skin concerns such as pigmentation, rosacea, acne scarring and much more. We also provide luxurious Alumier facials if you just fancy some downtime.
We would like to thank all of our clients for the past year at The Skyn Gym and we are excited to see what 2020 holds for our skin clinic!